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Fig. 1 | Cerebellum & Ataxias

Fig. 1

From: Apraxia of speech and cerebellar mutism syndrome: a case report

Fig. 1

(a-i) Preoperative brain MRI (a-c). The white arrow (a; axial Flair sequence) points to the tumor invading the cerebellar parenchyma bilaterally. The lesion appears slightly hyperintense. The 4th ventricle is invaded (white arrowhead), causing a hydrocephalus (dilatation of the lateral ventricles in b). The tumor expands clearly in the vermis as shown on a sagittal image (c). Early postoperative axial FLAIR slice shows postoperative sequelae at the level of dentate nuclei bilaterally (white arrows in d). The hydrocephalus is resolved (e). The 4th ventricle is moderately dilated, including in the rostral direction. The superior medullary velum is visible (white arrow in f). The superior cerebellar peduncles are involved (white arrows in g), with a slight extension towards the corpora quadrigemina at the level of inferior colliculi (white arrows in h). Crus cerebri are spared bilaterally (white arrows in i). R: right side

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