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Table 1 Major studies on the association between the anatomical lesions of the cerebellum and dystonia

From: Cerebellum: An explanation for dystonia?

[ref n°] Study

Type of study

Major findings: type of dystonia/lesion

[33] Boisen,1979

Case series

CD/infra-tentorial tumors

[49] Rumbach et al.,1995

Case report

Hemidystonia/extracranial vertebral artery dissection and cerebellar infarction

[35] Caress e al.,1996

Case report

CD/cerebellar gangliocytoma

[50] Ghika-Schmid et al.,1997

Case series

Focal and segmental dystonia involving the upper limbs/cerebellar strokes

[36]Krauss et al., 1997

Case series

CD/posterior fossa tumors

[51] Alarcon et al., 2001

Case report

upper limb dystonia/tuberculoma in the ipsilateral cerebellar hemisphere

[34] LeDoux and Brady 2003

Case series

CD/lesions of the cerebellum and of its primary afferent pathways

[37] KumandaÅŸ et al., 2006

Case series

CD/spinal or posterior fossa tumors

[44] LeBer et al., 2006

Case series

Focal, multifocal and generalized dystonia/cerebellar atrophy

[38] O’Rourke et al., 2006

Case report

Paroxysmal CD and BPS/bilateral cerebellar infarction

[39] Zadro et al., 2008

Case report

CD/cerebellar stroke

[46] Alcalay et al., 2009

Case report

OMD/cholestanol deposition in the in the dentate nuclei (cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis)

[47] Waln and LeDoux 2010

Case report

OMD/hemorrhage of the vermal and paravermal regions of the cerebellum

[40] Usmani et al. 2011

Case report

CD/haemorrhage of the cerebellar vermis

[52] Baik et al., 2012

Case report

upper limb dystonia/isolated cerebellar hemiatrophy

[41] Kojovic et al., 2012

Case report

CD/cystic lesion in the right cerebellar hemisphere

[45] Khooshnoodi et al. 2013

Case series

BPS/ischemic stroke in the cerebellar hemisphere and in the inferior cerebellar peduncle, cystic lesion in the dentate nucleus

[42] FÄ…fara-LeÅ› et al., 2014

Case series

CD/posterior fossa tumours

[43] Batla et al., 2015

Case series

CCD/cerebellar atrophy or lesions

[48] Bana et al., 2015

Case report

OMD/haemorrhage of the vermian and left paramedian regions of the cerebellum

  1. The various studies are listed in chronological order. Cervical dystonia (CD); cranio-cervical dystonia (CCD); blepharospasm (BPS); oromandibular dystonia (OMD)